Nicks Website...

The Website of Nick Haslam, Consultant...

Nick Haslam

Hi there!

Business Profile

I am a Microsoft Certified CRM Consultant, with experience in Microsoft CRM (v1.2, 3 and v4), and in Siebel CRM.

I have worked with both Visual Basic, and C# and am increasing my knowledge in these areas to expand my customisation skills for CRM.

I've also completed Microsoft Certification exams in SharePoint (for both Windows SharePoint Services and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007).

I'm currently working on a project to implement SQL Server Analysis Services and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.

Personal Profile

erm..... I'll come back to this...... :)



About Me

Nam lacinia purus sit amet lacus. Donec quis nulla vel lectus mollis varius.

Fusce id massa vel mauris ultricies lacinia. Vivamus scelerisque, eros at consectetuer pellentesque, eros mauris tempor nibh, nec faucibus magna felis sit amet magna.